What Entrepreneurship Means to Me...

"Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that's exactly it is. To fulfill a dream, create and sweat over lonely
labor is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy."
~ Attributed by Bette Davis

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 5 Fears of Being Your Own Boss

“Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.”
~Rabindranath Tagore

It's normal to feel a certain amount of fear when trying new things. The best thing we as entrepreneurs can do is be honest and face the fears we do have. Conquering fear is a way of life, but you we still have to know what we are battling. Most of our battles come from within.

Here is a Top Five List of Fears that can come from being our own boss.

1. The Fear of Failure
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Nearly 80% of businesses fail within the first year. I have to admit, this is a big one for me. I tend to analyze and look at everything. It can be good, but it can be bad. I had to make a decision. Am I going to press past my thoughts or am I going to go for it?

I don’t have to be a statistic, but I also know that giving this new way of life the ol’ heave-ho will but me one hundred percent ahead of those that never were never willing to try.
2. The Fear of Not Knowing
Armed with a business plan or not I can’t possibly know what the future will hold. The truth is, this life is all about life the endless struggle to find its way. I can go on a path that was created or forge ahead and create my own. Making a decision to move ahead is not only exhilarating, but I had so many people rooting for my efforts. What I didn’t know I was willing to be teachable and find out from others.
3. The Fear of What People Will Think
Most ideas are really good ones. The problem is no one willing putting great ideas out there. Most ideas I had needed defining, I never would have known if I hadn’t shared and bounced ideas off people. It was a decision I made not to feel self-conscious. After all, it was me that walks in my own shoes and no one can do that for me. What I believe to be true about myself is most important, even critical to my success.
4. The Fear of Choosing the Wrong Business
Most entrepreneurs have a list of ideas for business they would like to try. I have found that entrepreneurs have a number of interests in so many things. We are natural learners and do quite a bit of risk taking. You can never go wrong with doing something you are truly passionate about. When a passion and love for what you do is involved you are simply willing to stick to it.
5. The Fear of the Competition
There should always be a healthy concern about what the competition is doing. After all, even if you have none, once word gets out, you defiantly will. One of the first things I did was research my competition. Being able to learn from others experiences should be a thought of more as a driving force behind your business rather than something we would shrink from.

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