What Entrepreneurship Means to Me...

"Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that's exactly it is. To fulfill a dream, create and sweat over lonely
labor is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy."
~ Attributed by Bette Davis

Thursday, September 1, 2011

You Are a CEO: How to Overcome Your Fears

Channeling Susan Powter and just say, “Stop the insanity!” If only it were that easy, right? But, what would your life really look like with no fear?
What would you do, create, and allow simply allow yourself to experience? It would be a huge sense of relief, wouldn’t it? Your shoulders wouldn’t get tight; your palms wouldn’t get sweaty. It would be complete and utter freedom, wouldn’t it?

It’s those fears that keep us chained to limiting beliefs, paralyzing insecurities and  it holds us back from expressing the inherent power that’s within us all.  After all, if we didn’t believe the fear, it wouldn’t hold power over us. It would lose its shining momentum in our reality.
But what would that say for courage? Courage would no longer exist. And what would give us all that peculiar sense of needing one another?

But, what if we thought of our fears more like a ‘courage compass’? That uncomfortable texture of doubt would now be an indicator of where our true north resides. Perhaps, looking at fear right between its squinty eyes isn’t such a showdown after all.

So, what does it take to overcome the heckling fear that is forever twisting its mustache and hatching an evil plan? Perhaps, if we took it time to face it head on those answers would come a bit easier.
To me, that’s freedom. For me, that’s the beginning of the courage more of us will have woven into our soul.

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