What Entrepreneurship Means to Me...

"Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that's exactly it is. To fulfill a dream, create and sweat over lonely
labor is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy."
~ Attributed by Bette Davis

Saturday, September 3, 2011

CEO TV: The Seven Common Fears of Most People

I sat there just glued to my computer screen. Yes, another episode of CEO TV is on. Armed with bunny slippers and a Chi Tea in my new You Are a CEO mug (I know, I'm such a groupie), I listened to the ta-to-ta with Michael E. Parker and the cast of guest speakers.

I enjoy watching because as a dewy-fresh, newly budding entrepreneur, well, I have to know what I'm up against. Any armor I can get against fetal-ishly sucking my thumb under a desk while serving my soul on a silver platter to the twenty-one year old loan approval officer would definitely be the gravy.

Understanding fear at a deeper level could be the key to my release, after all.

This is a compiled list of some of the most common fears I learned on CEO TV. The "aha" list is here to help us all recognize when to take action and overcome these critical roadblocks.

CEO TV's "aha" list of The Seven Common Fears
  1.     Fear of embarrassment or humiliation
  2.     Fear of rejection
  3.     Fear of consequences
  4.     Fear of what people think
  5.     Fear to do something different
  6.     Fear you are missing something better
  7.     Fear of failure
"Take that!"
I've decided to tackle a few head on. After all, what does this twenty- one year old loan officer have on me besides the key to my business' financial future?


As for the rest of those pesky fears, I must channel Scarlet O'Hara and say, "Oh, I can't think about that now, I'll think about that tomorrow."

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